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Recombinant Human Interferon Regulatory Factor-3 (IRF 3)

包装: 1mg
运保温度: below -18°C.
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Members of the Interferon regulatory factor (IRF) family regulate gene expression critical to immune response, hemopoiesis, and proliferation. IRF-3 is a member of the IRF family, and is distinct from other family members. Its transcriptional activity is regulated solely by posttranslational modifications. It plays a crucial role in activation of innate immunity and inflammation in response to viral infection. IRF-3 mediates interferon-stimulated response element (isre) promoter activation. Functions as a molecular switch for antiviral activity. Dsrna generated during the course of an viral infection leads to IRF3 phosphorylation on the c-terminal serine/threonine cluster. This induces a conformational change, leading to its dimerization, nuclear localization and association with creb binding protein (crebbp) to form dsrna-activated factor 1 (draf1), a complex which activates the transcription of genes under the control of isre. The complex binds to the ie and prdiii regions on the ifn-alpha and ifn-beta promoters respectively. IRF-3 does not have any transcription activation domains.

IRF-3 Human Recombinant produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 111 amino acids (1-112) and having a molecular mass of 13 kDa.
The Interferon Regulatory Factor-3 is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.






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