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Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 alpha (CCL20), His Tag(MIP 3α His)

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CCL-20 is a chemotactic factor that draws lymphocytes & neutrophils, rathar than monocytes. MIP-3 alpha inhibits proliferation of myeloid progenitors in colony formation assays. MIP3A plays a role in the formation and function of the mucosal lymphoid tissues by attracting lymphocytes and dendritic cells towards epithelial cells. C-terminal processed forms have been shown to be equally chemotactically active for leukocytes. CCL-20 holdes antibacterial activity e.coli atcc 25922 and s.aureus atcc 29213. CCL-20 gene transcription is activated by H. pylori, which activates NF-kappaB through intracellular signal pathway which involves IkappaB kinase and NF-kappaB-inducing kinase. MIP-3 alpha is invloved in chemokine-mediated lymphocyte trafficking during gastric inflammation in Helicobacter infection. CCL-20 expression is involved in the recruitment of CD45R0-positive T cell subsets into the intestinal lamina propria. MIP-3A is in charge of the advancement of pulpal inflammation through the recruitment of C-C motif Receptor 6-expressing lymphocytes Vaginal epithelial cells respond to factors present in semen by secreting MIP-3 alpha, which increases langerhans cells recruitment during HIV transmission.
MIP 3a Human Recombinant fused with a 21 amino acid His tag at N-terminus produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 91 amino acids (27-96 a.a.) and having a molecular mass of 10.3kDa. The MIP 3a is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.






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