ADP-Glo™ Reagent【子货号:V912A,包装:1 x 5ml,,运保温度:–30°C 到 –10°C】
Kinase Detection Buffer【子货号:V913A,包装:1 x 10ml,,运保温度:–30°C 到 –10°C】
Kinase Detection Substrate【子货号:V914A,包装:1 x 1 each,,运保温度:–30°C 到 –10°C】
Ultra Pure ATP, 10mM【子货号:V915A,包装:1 x 500μl,,运保温度: –65°C】
ADP, 10mM【子货号:V916A,包装:1 x 500μl,,运保温度:–30°C 到 –10°C】
PIP2:3PS Substrate, 1mg/ml PIP2【子货号:V170A,包装:1 x 0.25ml,,运保温度: –65°C】
Lipid Dilution Buffer, 10X【子货号:V180A,包装:1 x 1ml,,运保温度:–30°C 到 –10°C】
MgCl2, 1M【子货号:V330A,包装:1 x 1ml,,运保温度:–30°C 到 –10°C】
Phosphatidylinositol (PI) and its phosphorylated derivates, collectively called phosphoinositides, are important second messengers that are critical as signaling molecules and for cellular membrane remodeling. These derivatives are generated by a family of kinases called phosphoinositide lipid kinases (PIKs). Nineteen PIK isoforms have been identified in mammals. Based on their ability to preferentially phosphorylate the hydroxyl group of the inositol ring on position 3, 4 or 5, they have been broadly classified into three major families: phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks), phosphoinositide 4-kinases (PI4Ks) and phosphoinositide phosphate-kinases (PIP5Ks and PIP4Ks).
Promega lipid kinase enzymes, substrates and detection systems provide a complete set of reagents for performing phosphoinositide lipid kinase (PIK) reactions using a luminescent ADP-detection platform, the ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay. The reagents include purified human recombinant proteins of Class I PI3Ks, optimized reaction buffer and ready-to-use lipid kinase substrates. The enzymes are available separately or can be purchased as part of the PI3K-Glo™ Class I Profiling Kit, which contains PI3Ks (α, β, γ and δ; 5μg each), PIP2:3PS Lipid Kinase Substrate (0.25mg) and the ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay, 1,000 assays. The lipid substrates are supplied as frozen small unilamellar vesicles containing a mixture of phosphatidylinositol (PI) or phosphoinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) at a 1:3 ratio with phosphatidylserine (PS) as carrier lipid. A substrate composed of PIP2 and PS at a 1:3 ratio was optimized to use with class I PI3Ks. A substrate composed of PI and PS at a 1:3 ratio was demonstrated to be recognized by the majority of family members and provides a universal PI lipid kinase substrate.
The principle of the lipid kinase assay is illustrated in Figure 1. The lipid kinase reaction is performed by incubating lipid substrate (PI:3PS or PIP2:3PS) with a recombinant enzyme and ATP, and the kinase activity is measured using the ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay. The ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay is performed in two steps. After the kinase reaction, an ATP-depletion reagent is added to terminate the lipid kinase reaction and deplete any remaining ATP, leaving only ADP. Next, a detection reagent is added to simultaneously convert ADP to ATP and allow the newly synthesized ATP to be converted to light using a coupled luciferase/luciferin reaction.
Features - Benefits
Employ Complete Solutions for Class I PI3Ks:
Purified human recombinant enzymes with high specific activity.
Ready-to-use lipid substrate (PI or PIP2).
Universal reaction buffer formulation.
Highly sensitive detection assay.
Observe Excellent Selectivity: High signal-to-background ratios even at low % conversion of substrate.
Obtain Reliable Results: The broad dynamic range, low background and excellent sensitivity result in less ambiguous data.
Save Time: Homogeneous assay with simple "add-and-read" format.
Avoid False Hits: The special formulation and luminescent signal results in low false-hit rate.
Save Money: Easily scalable to 1,536-well format, reducing cost per well.
Cantley, L.C. (2002) The phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway. Science 296, 1655–7.
Markman, B. et al. (2010) Status of PI3K inhibition and biomarker development in cancer therapeutics. Annals Oncology 21, 683–91.
Brown, J.R. and Auger, K.R. (2011) Phylogenomics of phosphoinositide lipid kinases: perspectives on the evolution of second messenger signaling and drug discovery. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 1–34.
Hawkins, P.T. et al. (2006) Signalling through Class I PI3Ks in mammalian cells. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 14, 647–62.
PI3K 重组酶( Recombinant PI3K Enzymes ):将 PI3K 重组酶储存于 –65°C 以下。首次使用,快速融化置于冰上,根据每次实验用量将酶分装成小份,并立即冻存分装管。避免反复冻融。
脂质底物:将脂质底物储存于 –65°C 。使用前,室温融化至底物完全平衡到室温。 涡旋震荡,充分混合至少 1 分钟。 融化后的脂质底物可在室温保存至少 6 小时( 15-30 ℃),或储存在 2-10 ℃一个星期。
缓冲液:将 5X PI3K Reaction Buffer , 10X Lipid Dilution Buffer 和 1M MgCl2 储存于 –30°C 到 –10°C 。
ADP-Glo™ 检测试剂盒:收到试剂盒后,将 ATP 取出并储存于 –65°C 以下,其余组分储存于 –30°C 到 –10°C 。使用前,将所有组分在室温下彻底融化。融化后,将每种组分充分混匀。由于 ATP 反复冻融容易水解,请将其分装成小份储存于 –65°C 以下。激酶检测试剂(激酶检测缓冲液 + 底物)和 ADP- Glo™ 试剂也应分装成小份储存于 –30°C 到 –10°C 。 为方便使用,这两种试剂在室温下存放 24 小时内不会产生信号衰减。