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Human/Mouse STAT4 Polyclonal Ab (Rabbit Anti-sera) (200 UL)

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Molecule Information:  STAT4

Long Name: Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 4

Entrez Gene IDs: 6775 (Human); 20849 (Mouse)

Background: STAT4 
The STAT family of transcription factors, first described as key mediators of interferon signal transduction, are now recognized as signaling factors downstream of many cytokines, growth factors, and hormones. At least seven STATs exist: STAT1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 5b, and 6. They are responsible for an array of cellular activities including regulating growth, survival, differentiation, motility, and the immune response. They are characterized structurally by the presence of the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, and a C-terminal tyrosine phosphorylation site. Upon ligand binding, they are recruited to the activated receptor, via their SH2 domains, to receptor-associated tyrosine kinases of the Janus kinase family (JAK). Once phosphorylated by JAK, STATS are free to hetero- or homo-dimerize, and translocate to the nucleus where they bind DNA to regulate gene transcription.
Signal transduction and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) is a member of the Jak/STAT signal transduction pathway. STAT4 mediates cytokine signaling by acting as a signal transducer in the cytoplasm and, upon phosphorylation, homo or heterodimerizes with other STAT proteins, which then translocate to the nucleus and activate transcription of specific genes. STAT4 is expressed in subset of tissues including spleen, heart, brain, peripheral blood cells and testis. STAT4 is involved in mediating IL-12 response in lymphocytes and regulating T helper cell differentiation.






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