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Ms TNF-α Standard, lyophilized, recombinant Ms TNF-α. Contains 0.1% sodium azide. Refer to vial label for quantity and reconstitution volume.【包装:4 vials】
Standard Diluent Buffer. Contains 0.1% sodium azide; 25 mL per bottle.【包装:2 bottles】
Ms TNF-α High and Low Controls, recombinant MsTNF-α, lyophilized. Contains 0.1% sodium azide. Refer to vial label for reconstitution volume and range. 【包装:2 vials】
Antibody Coated Wells. 12 x 8 Well Strips【包装:2 plates】
Ms TNF-α Biotin Conjugate, (Biotin-labeled anti-TNF-α). Contains 0.1% sodium azide; 6 mL per bottle.【包装:2 bottles】
Streptavidin-HRP (100X). Contains 3.3 mM thymol; 0.125 mL per vial.【包装:2 vials】
Streptavidin HRP Diluent. Contains 3.3 mM thymol; 25 mL per bottle.【包装:1 bottle】
Wash Buffer Concentrate (25X). 100 mL per bottle.【包装:1bottle】
Stabilized Chromogen, Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB); 25 mL per bottle.【包装:1 bottle】
Stop Solution; 25 mL per bottle.【包装:1 bottle】
Plate Covers, adhesive strips.【包装:6】


The Mouse TNF-α ELISA research use only kit is designed to detect and quantify the level of mouse TNF-α in serum, plasma, and supernatant using 96-well plates and a microplate reader.


  • Easy to run
  • Rapid protocol
  • Convenient precoated, removable 8-well strips

Easy-to-Run Sandwich ELISA
The total assay incubation time is only 2.5 hours. A monoclonal capture antibody specific for Mouse TNF-α has been coated onto the wells of the 96-well plate provided. Samples, including a standard of known Mouse TNF-α content, controls, and unknowns, are pipetted into these wells followed by an addition of a biotinylated polyclonal detector antibody. During the first incubation, Mouse TNF-α antigen binds to the immobilized capture antibody and to the solution phase biotinylated detector antibody on a second site. After washing, a streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is added. This binds to the biotinylated detection antibody to complete the four–member sandwich. After a second incubation and washing to remove all unbound enzyme, a substrate solution (TMB) is added, which is acted upon by the bound enzyme to produce color. The intensity of this colored product is directly proportional to the concentration of Mouse TNF-α present in the original specimen and the optical density can be read on a standard microplate reader.

Ready-to-Use Mouse TNF-α ELISA Kit Contains These Reagents, Buffers, and Supplies:

  • Mouse TNF-α Antibody Coated 96-Well Plate
  • Mouse TNF-α Standard
  • Standard Diluent Buffer
  • Mouse TNF-α Detection Antibody
  • Streptavidin-HRP
  • HRP Diluent
  • Wash Buffer Concentrate (25X)
  • Stabilized Chromogen, TMB
  • Stop Solution
  • Plate Covers
  • Detailed protocol with validation tests

Convenient Kit Format
The kit comes with a capture antibody precoated to the plate, eliminating an overnight coating process. The plates are machine coated to provide low variability well-to-well. Furthermore, the plate comes as removable 8-well strips allowing you to run as few samples as you want.

Rigorous Validation
Each ELISA kit is validated for sensitivity, specificity, precision, and lot-to-lot consistency. See protocol insert for more information on validation.

Part of the ELISA Kit Family
We have a wide menu of Life Technologies ELISA research use only kits. With excellent sensitivity, proven specificity, and consistent performance, these optimized ELISA kits offer you a choice when it comes to getting physiologically relevant and quantitative results.

For research use only. Not intended for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.



Pre-coated plate, standard, detector antibody, Streptavidin-HRP, diluents, wash buffer, chromogen, stop solution, and plate covers.
Store Kit at 2-8°C.




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