热门搜索: A3500  E1910  A1360  25200056  dmem  

Accell Red Cyclophilin B siRNA - Human

包装: 20 nmol
运保温度: -20 C
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标准价: ¥客户可见
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Thermo Scientific Accell Red Cyclophilin B Control siRNA is a fluorescent control reagent that provides highly reliable qualitative assessment of Accell siRNA uptake as determined by fluorescent microscopy to evaluate cytoplamic localization of the dye-labeled Accell siRNA or FACS analysis to determine general uptake. In addition, it acts as a positive control targeting Cyclophilin B. Also known as peptidylprolyl isomerase B (PPIB), cyclophilin B is abundantly expressed in most mammalian cells and because it is non-essential, knockdown of the corresponding mRNA does not affect cell viability.

Targets accession numbers: NM_000942 (Human) or NM_011149 (Mouse) or NM_022536 (Rat)
Novel siRNA modifications facilitate uptake, stability, specificity and knockdown efficiency
Accell modifications also provide stability against nuclease-mediated degradation
Accell Red is labeled with  DY-547 (Cy3 analog). Absorbance/ Emission Max is 557/570 nm, a Cy™3, Rhodamine or PE filter can be used


Experimental considerations

Accell siRNA works at a higher concentration than conventional siRNA; recommended 1 µM working concentration
Delivery may be inhibited by the presence of BSA in serum. Optimization studies with serum-free media formulations (Accell Delivery Media) or < 2.5% serum in standard media is recommended
Full-serum media can be added back after 48 hours of incubation, optimal mRNA silencing is typically achieved by 72 hours, or up to 96 hours for protein knockdown






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