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Accell GAPD Pool - Mouse

包装: 5 nmol
运保温度: -20 C
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Thermo Scientific Accell GAPD Control siRNA is a validated, highly reliable positive control for delivery and RNAi efficiency. Accell GAPD Control siRNA is modified with patent-pending Accell modification pattern to enable uptake by difficult-to-transfect cells. Researchers around the world are achieving targeted gene silencing in neuronal, immune, and primary cells that had previously been beyond the reach of conventional RNAi products due to toxicity caused by transfection reagents or undesirable viral responses.

GAPD (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, also known as GAPDH) is a well-conserved enzyme in carbohydrate metabolism. This gene is abundantly expressed in most cells, and because it is non-essential, knockdown of the corresponding mRNA does not affect cell viability.


• Accell siRNA enters cells without the need for transfection reagents, virus (or viral vectors), or instruments
• Novel siRNA modifications facilitate uptake, stability, specificity, and knockdown efficiency
• Target Accession numbers: NM_000942 (Human) or NM_011149 (Mouse) or NM_022536 (Rat)


Experimental considerations
• Accell siRNA works at a higher concentration than conventional siRNA; recommended 1 µM working concentration
• Delivery may be inhibited by the presence of BSA in serum. Optimization studies with serum-free media formulations (Accell Delivery Media) or < 2.5% serum in standard media is recommended
• Full-serum media can be added back after 48 hours of incubation. Optimal mRNA silencing is typically achieved by 72 hours or up to 96 hours for protein knockdown






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