Introducing the newHighYieldPERformanceFlaskManual (HYPERFlask M) cell culture vessel. The HYPERFlask M vessel is specifically designed for manual use. Originally, the HYPERFlaskcell culture vessel was developed for automation. Due to its popularity for use on the bench top, Corning has redesigned the HYPERFlaskM vessel with new features.
NEW Ergonomic Cap– smooth texture on liner cap allows more ergonomic closing and opening of vessel by operator
NEW Adaptor Grid– new design allows for faster filling and emptying while reducing foam generation
NEW Serial Number– each individual flask is traceable by a serial number that can be read by the unaided eye or by a handheld bar code reader
Made with USP Class VI Materials– molded and assembled in a Certified Class 100,000 clean room
Sterile– gamma irradiated to sterility assurance level (SAL) 10-6