热门搜索: A3500  E1910  A1360  25200056  dmem  

5-(AND-6)-CARBOXY-2,7-D 5 MG

运保温度: Store in freezer (-5 to -30°C)
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H2DFFDA is a chemically reduced, acetylated form of fluorescein used as an indicator for reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. This nonfluorescent molecule is readily converted to a green-fluorescent form when the acetate groups are removed by intracellular esterases and oxidation (by the activity of ROS) occurs within the cell. This fluorinated analog exhibits improved photostability compared to the chlorinated fluorescein derivatives (DCF, DCFDA).

ROS Indicator Specifications:
• Ex/Em: ~492–495/517–527 nm
• Product is air sensitive and should be stored under dry argon or nitrogen
• Product may be dissolved in DMSO, DMF, or ethanol for use
• Indicator is cell permeant (cell loading protocols are available in the literature)
• Fluorescence can be monitored using a flow cytometer, fluorometer, microplate reader, or fluorescence microscope, using excitation sources and filters appropriate for fluorescein

Find More ROS Indicators
We offer an assortment of Molecular Probes® products for the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), including singlet oxygen, superoxide, hydroxyl radical and various peroxide and hydroperoxides, as well as for their fluorometric detection in solution. Review Generating and Detecting Reactive Oxygen Species—Section 18.2 in the Molecular Probes® Handbook for more information on these products.



For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.




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