热门搜索: A3500  E1910  A1360  25200056  dmem  

human Fas Ligand Platinum ELISA

包装: 10x 96 tests
运保温度: 2° to 8°C
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Description: The human sFas-L ELISA is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the quantitative detection of human sFas-L. The human sFas-L ELISA is for research use only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

Fas (APO-1, CD95) is a type I membrane protein that belongs to the TNF/nerve growth factor receptor family. Fas mediates apoptosis, the programmed cell death, when it is cross-linked with specific binding partners. The natural binding partner of Fas is its ligand, Fas-L, which is a 37 kDa type II-membrane protein that belongs to the TNF family which includes TNF, lymphotoxin, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), CD40 ligand, CD27 ligand, CD30 ligand, and OX40 ligand. Fas-L is predominantly expressed on activated T-cells and NK cells, thus Fas-L-mediated cell death is involved in the T or NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity, some pathologic tissue damages, and the regulation of lymphocyte homeostasis.

A soluble form of Fas-L (sFas-L) is naturally produced by metalloproteinase- mediated processing. The soluble form resulting from this cleavage was shown to induce apoptosis in susceptible cells.

Markedly elevated levels of sFas-L have been shown in TEN (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Lyell's Syndrom) patients' sera.
Liver dysfunction was shown to be paralleled by increased sFas-L levels as well as kidney damage.
Fas-L is discussed to be involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, especially the concentrations of sFas-L are remarkably higher in the sera and synovial fluids of patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis as compared to normal controls. Increased levels of soluble Fas-L in the serum of graft-versus-host disease patients make it a good marker for treatment of the disease.


Components Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated with monoclonal antibody to human sFas-L
Biotin-Conjugate anti-human sFas-L monoclonal antibody
Human sFas-L Standard lyophilized, 20 ng/mL upon reconstitution
Sample Diluent
Assay Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20 and 10% BSA)
Wash Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20)
Substrate Solution (tetramethyl-benzidine)
Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric acid)
Adhesive Films







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