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human IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA

包装: 96 tests
运保温度: 2° to 8°C
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Description: The human IL-1alpha ELISA is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the quantitative detection of human IL-1alpha. The human IL-1alpha ELISA is for research use only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

The interleukin-1 species represent an important family of biologically active mono nuclear cell-derived proteins which are involved in inflammatory reactions and in immune responses. Two distinct human IL-1 species, IL-1alpha and IL-1beta, have been identified. They share similarities such as the same molecular weight, similar biological effects and the same receptors on target cells. IL-1 proteins are produced by macrophages, monocytes and various other cell types such as adult T cell leukemias, fibroblasts, epithelial or endothelial cells, neutrophils and astrocytes. Their biological properties include pyrogenicity, bone resorption, presentation of antigen to T cells and stimulation of B and T lymphocyte proliferation. IL-1alpha is an extracellular peptide of 17 kDa, its activity has been demonstrated in various biological fluids including serum, synovial fluid, gingival fluid, amniotic fluid, sputum, cerebrosinal fluid, urine, and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid.

Elevated serum or blood levels of IL-1alpha have been found in patients with total hip replacement/ arthroplasties, in patients with recently diagnosted IDDM (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus), in case of several carcinomas such as head and neck cancer, pancreatic cancer and thyroid cancer, in experimental acute pyelonephritis, in acute viral hepatitis and in septic shock.


Components Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated with polyclonal antibody to human IL-1alpha
Biotin-Conjugate anti-human IL-1alpha polyclonal antibody
Human IL-1alpha Standard lyophilized, 200 pg/mL upon reconstitution
Sample Diluent
Assay Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20 and 10% BSA)
Wash Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20)
Substrate Solution (tetramethyl-benzidine)
Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric acid)
Adhesive Films







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