热门搜索: A3500  E1910  A1360  25200056  dmem  

Caveolin-1 (pY14) Pure 56 150ug

  • 产品编号:BD-611339      品牌:BD-Pharmingen       原厂货号:611339
  • 产品分类:抗体 > 一抗 > 蛋白特异性一抗
  • 应用分类:
包装: 150ug
运保温度: Store undiluted at -20°C.
到货周期: 登录后查看
标准价: ¥客户可见
会员价: ¥客户可见
积分: 客户可见
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2. 必须现金付款或有信用额度的会员才可以直接发货,否则需要等待现金付款信息。


Caveolin (VIP21) localizes to non-clathrin membrane invaginations (caveolae) on the inner surface of the plasma membrane. In addition, it is
present in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and in apically and basolaterally destined transport vesicles. Caveolin is a transmembrane adaptor
molecule that recognizes GPI-linked proteins and interacts with downstream cytoplasmic signaling molecules, such as src-family tyrosine
kinases and hetero-trimeric G proteins. Caveolin forms large lipid-binding oligomers, which are thought to play a role in caveolae formation.
It may also function as a scaffolding protein, which organizes signaling molecules. This functional role is supported by the fact that caveolin
interacts directly with inactive ras and G-protein α subunits. Phosphorylation of caveolin at Tyr-14, Ser-88, and other residues in v-src
transformed cells leads to flattening, aggregation, and fusion of caveolae and caveolae-derived vesicles. Thus, caveolin is the principle protein
of caveolae and may be involved in v-src mediated cellular transformation.


1.Since applications vary, each investigator should titrate the reagent to obtain optimal results.
2.Caution: Sodium azide yields highly toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide compounds in running water before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in plumbing.
3.Store undiluted at -20°C.




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