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Rat CD8A NALE OX-8 500ug

  • 产品编号:BD-562180      品牌:BD-Pharmingen       原厂货号:562180
  • 产品分类:抗体 > 一抗 > 蛋白特异性一抗
  • 应用分类:
包装: 500ug
运保温度: Store undiluted at 4°C.
到货周期: 登录后查看
标准价: ¥客户可见
会员价: ¥客户可见
积分: 客户可见
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2. 必须现金付款或有信用额度的会员才可以直接发货,否则需要等待现金付款信息。


The OX-8 antibody reacts with the hinge-like membrane-proximal domain of the 32 kDa α chain of the CD8 differentiation antigen. A
truncated CD8 α' isoform has not been detected in the rat. The CD8 α and β chains (CD8a and CD8b, respectively) form a heterodimer on the
surface of most thymocytes and a subpopulation of mature T lymphocytes (i.e., MHC class I-restricted T cells, including most T
suppressor/cytotoxic cells). Intestinal intrapithelial lymphocytes, many CD8+ T cells of athymic rats, many activated CD4+ T cells, and most
NK cells express CD8a without CD8b. It has been suggested that the expression of the CD8a/CD8b heterodimer is restricted to
thymus-derived T lymphocytes. OX-8 antibody does not react with resting CD4+ T helper cells. CD8 is an antigen coreceptor on the T-cell
surface which interacts with MHC class I molecules on antigen-presenting cells. It participates in T-cell activation through its association with
the T-cell receptor complex and protein tyrosine kinase Ick. Macrophages have also been reported to express CD8 α and β chains, which are
involved in signal transduction. Soluble OX-8 mAb partially blocks in vitro MLR and CTL activity.


1.Since applications vary, each investigator should titrate the reagent to obtain optimal results.

2.Store undiluted at 4°C.




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