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H2AX (pS139) Pure N1-431 100ug

  • 产品编号:BD-560443      品牌:BD-Pharmingen       原厂货号:560443
  • 产品分类:抗体 > 一抗 > 磷酸化抗体
  • 应用分类:
包装: 100ug
运保温度: Store undiluted at 4°C .
到货周期: 登录后查看
标准价: ¥客户可见
会员价: ¥客户可见
积分: 客户可见
对比 收藏



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Histones are highly basic proteins that complex with DNA to form chromatin. The H2AX histone (~15 kDa calculated molecular weight) is a member of the
H2A histone family whose members are components of nucleosomal histone octamers. Double-stranded breaks in DNA caused by replication errors, apoptosis,
or other physiological processes (including, immunoglobulin and TCR gene recombinations) and DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation, UV light, or
cytotoxic agents lead to phosphorylation of H2AX on serine 139. H2AX (pS139) is also referred to as H2AX (pS140) when the N-terminal methionine that is
normally excised during posttranslational processing is included in amino acid sequence numbering. Kinases such as ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) or
ATM-Rad3-related (ATR) phosphorylate H2AX to induce its function. Phosphorylated H2AX (also termed, gamma-H2AX) functions to recruit and localize
DNA repair proteins or cell cycle checkpoint factors to the DNA-damaged sites. In this way, phosphorylated H2AX promotes DNA repair and maintains
genomic stability and thus helps prevent oncogenic transformations. Immunofluorescent staining and bioimaging analysis of cultured cells can be used to
readily identify H2AX (pS139)-containing foci. As such, H2AX (pS139) immunofluorescence localization serves as a biomarker for nuclear sites of DNA
damage (e.g., double-stranded DNA breaks) in affected cells.


1.Since applications vary, each investigator should titrate the reagent to obtain optimal results.
2.Caution: Sodium azide yields highly toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide compounds in running water before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in plumbing. .
3.Store undiluted at 4°C .




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