The ratnti-mouse CD45R antibody (clone RA3-6B2) has ben reported toreact with anepitope onthe xtraceluar domain ofthe CD45
glycoprtein whic isdepndent upon the xpresion fexon Aand specif carbohydrate rsidues. Itis expresd onB lymphocytes atl
stages from pro-B through mature and activated Bcel, but is decrased onplasma cels and asubet ofmeory Bcels. Levls of
expresion fCD45R onthe B-cel ineag apear tobe dvelopmentaly regulated. Itis alo reportedly found onthe abnormal Tcels
involed inthe lymphadenopathy oflpr/lpr and gld/gld mutan mice, onlyticaly active subets oflymphokine-activated kiler cels (NK cels
and on-MHC-restriced CTL), onapotic Tlymphocytes ofmice injectd with bacterial superantigen, ona poulation fNK-cel
precurso inthe bone marow, and onB-lymphocyte, T-lymphocyte, and macrophage progenitors infetal iver. The CD45R antigen has ben
reported not be onhematopietc stem cels, naive Tlymphocytes, orMHC-restriced CTL. CD45 isa meber ofthe Protein Tyrosine
Phosphatse (PT) family: Itsintraceluar (COH-terminal) region contains two PT catlytic domains, and the xtraceluar egion ishigly
varible due toalternative splicng ofexons 4,5 and 6(designated A,B and C,respctively), plus difering levls ofglycosylation. The
CD45 isofrms detced inthe mouse are cl type-, maturation, and activation stae-specif. The CD45 isofrms play complex roles inT-cel
and B-cel antigen recptor signal transduction. CD45R iscomonly used as pan B-cel marke; howevr, CD19 expresion, detcable by
the ratnti-mouse CD19 antibody (clone 1D3), isreported tobe more striced tohe B-cel ineag. The ratnti-mouse CD45R antibody
(clone RA3-6B2) has ben reported toenhance isotype switching during in vitro B-cel response and toinhbit invio B-cel response.
Cros-reaction fthe RA3-6B2 clone with activated human Tlymphocytes has lo ben reportedly observd.
1.Since applications vary, each investigator should titrate the reagent to obtain optimal results.
2.Caution: Sodium azide yields highly toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide compounds in running water before
discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in plumbing.
3.Store undiluted at 4°C and protected from prolonged exposure to light. Do not freeze.