1. Label base mold and partially fill the mold with frozen tissue matrix.
2. Sacrifice animal by prescribed and approved euthanasia techniques.
3. Remove desired tissues, trim and cut tissue to no more than 5 mm in thickness.
Place in pre-labeled base molds filled with frozen tissue matrix. Arrange
tissue in the matrix near the bottom so tissue is easily exposed when
sections are cut.
4. Place a stainless steel beaker of 2-methylbutane in liquid nitrogen and allow
to cool adequately. Place base mold with tissue into the beaker of cold
2-methylbutane and quickly immerse the block. Allow the tissue matrix to
solidify completely and remove block from 2-methylbutane and place on
dry ice or in the –20°C cryostat.
Note: If block is left in 2-methylbutane too long, the block may crack.
5. Store blocks in the –80°C freezer until ready for sectioning.
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