The Ambion® MELT™ System is for the isolation of total nucleic acid from tissues without the need for mechanical disruptions. This unique technology uses powerful enzymes to digest tissue in minutes and at room temperature. 50 purifications.
• Hands-free tissue digestion in minutes—no grinding or polytron required
• Now with a more streamlined protocol for even easier multi-sample processing
• Improved genomic DNA removal for better results in downstream assays
• Obtain RNA or DNA from up to 10 mg tissue in ~30 minutes
• Protect and preserve RNA for days in tissue lysates
A Better Way to Disrupt Tissue
The MELT™ Total Nucleic Acid Isolation System (patent pending) offers a novel alternative to mechanical disruption of tissue as the initial step of RNA or DNA isolation. A critical step in any nucleic acid isolation protocol is freeing the RNA or DNA from the cellular architecture. The MELT™ System is a simpler and safer alternative to mechanical disruption that is amenable to high throughput tissue processing because there is no need for tedious homogenization. Samples can be processed quickly in a closed tube format that minimizes cross-contamination.
High-Quality RNA = Superior Results
The MELT™ System may be used with most fresh or frozen animal tissue that do not contain comparatively high levels of RNases and that are not extremely hard or fibrous. The MELT™ System is not compatible with tissues that have been stored in RNAlater® Solution or RNAlater®-ICE. Up to 10 mg of tissue can be digested at room temperature using a novel formulation that includes a potent RNase inhibitor and a cocktail of powerful catabolic enzymes. Following digestion, the RNA is purified using a streamlined process based on Ambion's MagMAX™ technology (see Figure). The MELT™ technology has been validated to ensure that the purified RNA is functionally equivalent to RNA isolated using other popular methods. The ability of the MELT™ system to achieve both tissue digestion and RNA preservation enables samples to be processed, conveniently stored, and readily transported at ambient temperatures for a host of downstream analyses (see Figure).
Accessory Products:
A magnetic stand is required for use this kit. They are available in several formats, including the Single Place Magnetic Stand (SKU #AM10026), 6 Tube Magnetic Stand (SKU #AM10055), and 96-well Magnetic Stands (SKU #AM10027 and #AM10050). The Vortex Adapter-60 (SKU #AM10014) is strongly recommended for use with the MELT™ System. It provides hands-free mixing and a unique shaking motion that is critical for rapid and thorough tissue digestion.