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The Molecular Probes® Neurite Outgrowth Staining Kit allows for quick and simple measurement of neurite outgrowth and cell viability in the same sample. It includes three fluorescent dyes: a cell viability indicator, a cell membrane stain, and a background suppression reagent. Please note that the dyes included in the kit are not specific to neurons, and will stain any animal cells. This kit is not suitable for distinguishing neurons from other cell types in a mixed population.

• Stain cells faster than with immunocytochemistry (in as little as 15 minutes)
• Measure neurite outgrowth and cell health in the same sample
• Image either live or fixed cells
• Capture data with a standard fluorescence microscope, microplate reader, or HCS instrument

Rapid Staining Results
The Neurite Outgrowth Staining Kit saves time and steps relative to immunostaining. A typical workflow using this kit takes 15–30 minutes and involves only two media-exchange steps prior to taking a measurement. In contrast, immunostaining involves multiple block, wash, and antibody incubation steps that require several hours to complete.

Multiplexed Readouts
The Neurite Outgrowth Staining Kit distinguishes between compound effects on cell viability and neurite outgrowth by providing a dual color readout.

Flexible Protocol
Depending on the cell type of interest, a fixed-cell staining approach may be preferable to live-cell staining. Both protocols are provided in the product manual for maximum flexibility.

Instrument Compatibility
The fluorescence signals generated with the Neurite Outgrowth Staining Kit can be measured with a fluorescence microplate reader, microscope, or HCS instrument for compatibility with your existing workflow. Likewise, the probes used in this kit are compatible with standard FITC (green) and TRITC (orange-red) emission filter sets.

What You Get:
Easily scalable to any culture plate, dish, or slide format, the Neurite Outgrowth Staining Kit comes with reagents sufficient to run 1,000 96-well assays, and includes:

• 100 µL of Cell Viability Indicator (1000X)
• 100 µL of Cell Membrane Stain (1000X)
• 2.5 mL of Background Suppression Dye (100X)


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.




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