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Cell Therapy Systems N-2 CTS™ (100X) Supplement is a serum-free supplement for the growth and expression of post-mitotic neurons and tumor cells of neuronal phenotype. Cell Therapy Systems N-2 CTS™ (100X) supplement is a chemically defined, 100X concentrate of Bottenstein's N-1 formulation.

Serum-free supplement to be used with Neurobasal® CTS™ Media

• Substitute for Bottenstein’s N-1 formulation.
• Be ready for clinical research with this cGmP manufactured formula and support documentation

Use with Neurobasal® CTS™ Media for Nueronal Cell Culturing
Cell Therapy Systems N-2 CTS™ (100X) Supplement is recommended for the growth and expression of neuroblastomas and for the survival and expression of post-mitotic neurons in primary cultures from both the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the central nervous system (CNS). Cell Therapy Systems N-2 CTS™ (100X) Supplement is intended for use with Cell Therapy Systems Neurobasal® CTS™ media.

Selective for Neuronal Cell Lines
It can be used as a substitute for the N1 Bottenstein formulation. Cell Therapy Systems N-2 CTS™ (100X) supplement appears to be selective for neuronal cell lines and does not support the growth of nonneuronal cell lines.

Media Formulation Details
N-2 supplement is a chemically defined, 100X concentrate of Bottenstein's N-2 formulation. For component concentrations of the media supplement see our technical resource page for the N-2 supplement.

Simplify Your Transition into Clinical Research
The Gibco® Cell Therapy Systems (CTS™) brand offers a broad array of products for use in cell therapy applications, including media, reagents, growth factors, enzymes, cell selection/expansion reagents, and devices. Gibco® Cell Therapy Systems (CTS™) products deliver:
• Reduced burden in qualifying reagents
• Included appropriate certificates of analyses and origin
• Convenient access to our Drug Master File (DMF)

For Research Use or Non-Commercial Manufacturing of Cell-Based Products for Clinical Research.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.




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