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Description: This mouse IL-21 ELISA Ready-SET-Go! reagent set (with or without high-affinity binding microwell plates) contains the necessary reagents, buffers and diluents for performing quantitative enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). This ELISA reagent set is specifically engineered for accurate and precise measurement of mouse IL-21 protein levels from samples including serum, and supernatants from cell culture.

IL-21 is a 17 kDa immunomodulatory cytokine produced mainly by NKT, T helper (Th) 17 and T follicular helper (TFH) cells. In TFH cells, IL-21 expression leads to autocrine signaling through the IL-21 receptor (IL-21R) and STAT3, which leads to additional transcriptional activation by Bcl6. As with IFNγ for Th1 and IL-4 for Th2 cells, IL-21 is critical for TFH cell development and effector function. This cytokine plays a role in T cell-dependent B cell differentiation into plasma cells and memory cells, stimulation of IgG production and induction of apoptotic signaling in naïve B cells.

In Th17 cells, IL-21 expression and autocrine feedback through STAT3, IRF4 and RORγt lead to upregulation of the IL-23R, thereby preparing Th17 cells for maturation and maintenance by the inflammatory cytokine IL-23. While upregulating IRF4 and RORγt, IL-21 also mediates the downregulation of Foxp3. High levels of IL-21 are present in chemically-induced colitis models. IL-21-deficient mice are protected from developing colitis upon chemical treatment by their inability to upregulate Th17-associated molecules.

Special Note: To ensure optimal results from this ELISA Ready-SET-Go! Set, please only use the components included in the set. Exchanging of components is not recommended as a change in signal may occur.


Components Capture Antibody. Pre-titrated, purified antibody
Detection Antibody. Pre-titrated, biotin-conjugated antibody
Standard. Recombinant cytokine for generating standard curve and calibrating samples
Coating Buffer. 10X PBS ELISA Coating Buffer
Assay Diluent. 5X concentrated
Detection enzyme. Pre-titrated Avidin-HRP
Substrate Solution. Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) Substrate Solution
Certificate of Analysis. Lot-specific instructions for dilution of antibodies and standards
96 Well Plate. NUNC Maxisorp flat-bottom (included with product Cat. #’s ending in suffixes -22, -44, -76, -86)







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