热门搜索: A3500  E1910  A1360  25200056  dmem  

anti-human IgA mAb MT20, biotinylated

包装: 250 ug
运保温度: 4-8℃
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标准价: ¥客户可见
会员价: ¥客户可见
积分: 客户可见
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IgA (Immunoglobulin A) represents only 10-15% of the total Ig molecules in serum but is the predominating Ig isotype in saliva, tears, breast milk and in the gastrointestinal and urogenital tract. In serum, the IgA molecule is commonly found as a monomer of either IgA1 or IgA2 subclass but can also exist as dimers or larger polymeric forms. The IgA found in secretions (secretory IgA) is commonly a dimer with two IgA molecules joined by the J chain. Secretory IgA is the most important Ig isotype in mucous surfaces, the area of entry for most pathogens.


Application guide:
Monoclonal antibodies to human IgA
- for use in ELISpot (total IgA)
capture MT57; purified
detection MT20; biotinylated
- for use in ELISpot (ag specific IgA ELISpot with coated antigen)
detection MT57; biotinylated
- for use in ELISpot (ag-specific IgA ELISpot with biotinylated antigen)
capture MT57; purified
- for use in ELISA
capture MT57; purified
detection MT20; ALP conjugated
- for use in e.g. antigen-specific ELISA
detection MT20; ALP conjugated
detection MT20; biotinylated


Rat monoclonal antibody to human IgA, clone MT20; biotinylated. Suitable as detection mAb in ELISpot for quantification of IgA producing cells (total IgA) in combination with capture mAb MT57 (product code 3860-3).






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