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Human IL-28A (IFN lambda 2) Recombinant Protein Carrier-Free 500 ug

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Description: IL-28A belongs to the IFN lambda family, a novel family of cytokines within the IL-10 superfamily. The three members of this family are IL-29 (IFN lambda 1), IL-28A (IFN lambda 2), and IL-28B (IFN lambda 3), and are also known as the type III Interferons.

The IFN lambdas signal through a heterodimeric receptor of which one subunit, IL-10R2, is shared with other members of the superfamily. The second subunit, IFN lambda R1 or IL-28R alpha, is unique to the IFN lambdas. Signaling occurs through the Jak/STAT pathway in a similar manner as the type I IFNs (IFN alpha/beta) and activates many of the same genes despite low sequence homology between the cytokines and receptors in the two families. Both IFN families display antiviral activity through the induction of antiviral protein production in target cells and the upregulation of MHC class I expression. These proteins also exhibit antiproliferative and antitumor effects, making them a possible alternative to IFN alpha cancer therapies. Unlike the type I IFNs, which are able to stimulate most cells, response to IFN lambda stimulation appears to be limited to dendritic and some tumor cells due to the limited expression of IFN lambda R1. Another notable difference is the ability of the IFN lambda stimulation to drive dendritic cells towards the production of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells, suggesting a possible immunoregulatory role.






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