Human Cot-1 DNA® is placental DNA that is predominantly 50 to 300 bp in size and enriched for repetitive DNA sequences such as the Alu and Kpn family members (1,2). Human Cot-1 DNA® is commonly used to block non-specific hybridization in microarray screening. It can also be used to suppress repetitive DNA sequences for the direct mapping of human DNA or mapping genomic clones to panels of somatic-cell hybrids for chromosome localization by Southern blotting (3-5). Human Cot-1 DNA® is effective as a library-screening probe for somatic-cell hybrid libraries and flow-sorted chromosome libraries made from somatic-cell hybrids (6,7). The amount supplied per package is sufficient for 5 to 10 Southern or 500 in situ hybridizations.
Performance and Quality Testing: Purity and DNA size are verified by agarose gel electrophoresis. Concentration is verified spectrophotometrically by diluting Human Cot-1 DNA® 1:100 in 50 mM NaOH and using the conversion factor 0.033 µg/µl/A260.