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anti-human CD127 Purified eBioRDR5 25 ug

  • 产品编号:14-1278-80      品牌:eBioscience       原厂货号:14-1278-80
  • 产品分类:抗体 > 一抗 > 蛋白特异性一抗
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运保温度: 2-8℃
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Description: The eBioRDR5 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD127 (Interleukin-7 Receptor alpha). CD127 complexes with CD132, also known as the common gamma chain (gamma c), to form the multi-functional IL-7 receptor (IL-7R). CD127 is a type I glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 75-80 kDa and is expressed by immature B cells through the early pre-B stage, by thymocytes during several stages of their development, and on most mature T cells, with transient down-regulation upon activation. Binding of IL-7 results in signal transduction which occurs through several tyrosine kinase pathways including the Jak/STAT pathway. IL-7 is indispensible for the development of lymphocytes, and the control of homeostatic proliferation of T-cells in the periphery. In addition, IL-7R signaling is know to be involved in the regulation of T cell receptor (TCR) locus rearrangement in gamma delta T cells.

Interestingly, recently it has been demonstrated that CD127 expression is down-regulated on CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (T regs). While the co-expression of CD4 and CD25 has become widely used as an indicator of T regs, this method of identification may also include cells without suppressive activity. It has clearly been shown that CD4+CD25+ cells that have down-regulated the expression of CD127 are significantly more highly-enriched for the regulatory T population, as defined by expression of the T reg-specific transcription factor Foxp3 and the suppressive activity of these cells, in vitro.
Binding of the eBioRDR5 monoclonal antibody to PBMCs is blocked by pre-incubation of the cells with recombinant human IL-7 (cat. 14-8079).






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