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GIBCO® KnockOut™ SR XenoFree CTS™ enables the growth and expansion of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) in a cell culture medium containing only human-derived or human recombinant proteins, to facilitate the transition of hESC and hiPSC research from the bench to the clinic.

The GIBCO® CTS™ product line enables you to reduce your burden in qualifying reagents during your transition from research applications to clinical applications.

• Defined, xenofree medium for hESC⁄iPSC stem cell culture.
• First-to-market xenofree hESC⁄iPSC product intended for Ex Vivo tissue and cell culture processing applications.

GIBCO® KnockOut™ SR XenoFree CTS™ does not contain bovine or other non-human, animal-derived components. Besides pluripotent stem cell culture expansion and maintenance, KnockOut™ SR XenoFree CTS™ can be used for hESC⁄hiPSC cryopreservation, derivation, and differentiation studies.

GIBCO® CTS™ products are of high quality, and are supplied with harmonized documentation such as Certificates of Analysis, Certificates of Origin, and access to authorization letters for our Drug Master Files, as appropriate.

Intended Use: For human ex vivo tissue and cell culture processing applications. CAUTION: When used as a medical device, Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.


For human ex vivo tissue and cell culture processing applications. CAUTION: When used as a medical device, Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.




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