Use this kit to isolate pure and viable monocytes from PBMC by negative isolation. The kit depletes T cells, B cells, NK cells, dendritic cells, granulocytes and erythrocytes, while the negatively isolated human monocytes are left in the sample. The isolated monocytes cells are in perfect shape for any functional assay and application.

  • High purity, recovery and viability of human monocytes
  • Easy to use and to scale up
  • No columns required
An antibody mix towards the non-monocytes is added to the sample and allowed to bind to the cells. Dynabeads® are added and will bind to the antibody-labeled cells during a short incubation. The bead-bound cells are quickly separated on a magnet and discarded. The remaining negatively isolated human monocytes can be directly analyzed in a flow cytometer and used in any application.

Starting Sample: PBMC