热门搜索: A3500  E1910  A1360  25200056  dmem  

RNA去除剂RNase Erase Spray Bottle

包装: mL
运保温度: Room Temperature
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标准价: ¥客户可见
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Spray Bottle
A novel RNase decontamination solution. Completely removes RNase contamination from glass and plastic surfaces, pipettes, and equipment that must be "RNase-free."

Instructions For Use
RNase EraseTM was formulated using three ingredients known to be active against RNase. It effectively removes high levels of RNase contamination that similar products cannot. Additionally, RNase EraseTM has been formulated so that it can be used to remove RNase contamination from reaction vessels. With thorough rinsing, RNase EraseTM leaves no residues that are inhibitory to enzymatic reactions. The solution is ready to use. If there is a precipitate (as may happen at low temperatures), shake and/or heat at 37°C to bring the precipitate back into solution. The product should be stored at room temperature. Always wear gloves while using RNase EraseTM as prolonged contact with skin may cause irritation. RNase EraseTM is not compatible with corrodible metal surfaces.

Cleaning work surface: Apply directly to surface to be cleaned, wipe thoroughly with paper towel, rinse with water and then dry with a clean paper towel.

Cleaning lab apparatus: Apply RNase EraseTM liberally to a paper towel and wipe all exposed surfaces of the apparatus thoroughly. Rinse with water and then wipe dry. Some small parts may be cleaned by briefly soaking them in RNase Erasetm, rinsing them in water and then drying. Please note that RNase Erase™ should not be used on corrodible metal surfaces.

Cleaning plastic and glass vessels: Add enough RNase EraseTM, so that the entire surface of the vessel can be coated with the solution upon swirling, or vortexing in the case of centrifuge and microfuge tubes. After discarding the solution, rinse vessels thoroughly two times with distilled water.

Cleaning pipetters: Remove shaft from pipetter according to the manufacturers instructions. Remove seals and gaskets from the shaft and then soak shaft for one minute in RNase Erase Rinse the shaft thoroughly with water and then reassemble pipetter




Warning: If contact with eyes occurs, immediately flush with water and call a physician. If ingested, do not induce vomiting, give plenty of water and contact a physician.







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