Electrophoresis Grade
Sensitive stain for proteins. A linear relationship exists between protein concentration and color density in the range from 5 to 50 mg.
Description: Stain for showing collagen, muscle, cytoplasm, cells and cornified epithelium in mammalian tissue. Also can be used as a substitute for Light Green SF Yellowish in cytology and histology.
Sensitive stain for proteins. A linear relationship exists between protein concentration and color density in the range from 5 to 50 mg.
Staining Procedures3 lists methods and a bibliography for the following applications: Fast-Green modification of the Van Gieson stain; Lillie modification of Masson's trichrome stain; Kornhauser's "Quad" stain; Orcein and Feulgen techniques; modified Azan-staining technique for insects; Hematoxylin-Biebrich Scarlet-Fast Green (designed to show mantle-tissue glandular muscle, connective and nervous tissue); tannic acid-ferric chloride-Safranin-Fast Green for staining meristemic tissues; use with Safranin as a stain for plant tissue; stain for demonstrating nuclear histones; counterstain for Acid Fuchsin-lactophenol (designed to differentiate between fungal structures on leaf structures and those that are subcuticular or intracellular); Gimenez Stain for psittacosis and other rickettsial agents in yolk-sac cultures.