Description: A vitamin widely distributed in the plant and animal kingdom. Used as an antimicrobial and antioxidant in foodstuffs.1,2 A reductant for the isolation of chloroplasts.6 Has an effect on the nonspecific immune system.8 Preserves nitric oxide (NO) which may help prevent endothelial dysfunction.12 Helps prevent and reverse the oxidative damage done to proteins and lipids as a result of cigarette smoke.
Description: A vitamin widely distributed in the plant and animal kingdom. Used as an antimicrobial and antioxidant in foodstuffs.1,2 A reductant for the isolation of chloroplasts.6 Has an effect on the nonspecific immune system.8 Preserves nitric oxide (NO) which may help prevent endothelial dysfunction.12 Helps prevent and reverse the oxidative damage done to proteins and lipids as a result of cigarette smoke.