The Super PAP pen is suitable for both immunohistochemical and fluorescent staining, drawing a water repellent circle around slide mounted tissue, & preventing the waste of valuable reagents by keeping the liquid pooled in a single droplet. In addition, it is now chemically formulated to withstand the rehydration steps performed in alcohol, as well as the high temperatures required for denaturation during in situ hybridization. Each pen can be used to draw about 800 circles.
The Super PAP pen is suitable for both immunohistochemical and fluorescent staining, drawing a water repellent circle around slide mounted tissue, & preventing the waste of valuable reagents by keeping the liquid pooled in a single droplet. In addition, it is now chemically formulated to withstand the rehydration steps performed in alcohol, as well as the high temperatures required for denaturation during in situ hybridization. Each pen can be used to draw about 800 circles.